Monday, March 24, 2014


This week begins Spring Baseball season!  I sooooo love to watch my sweet #33 play!!  Go Angels!

* nice reach buddy!!!   Almost!!

 This week we also got started on our vaccines for Ethiopia. This week we did round one of our pre-exposure rabies vaccines. We'll have three rounds (fun times). Sweet Abby is petrified of shots, but she was so very brave. After the shots Matt and Max headed to baseball practice and the rest of the kids and I picked up some Chicken Express and headed to a new local nature park and had a picnic and walked the nature trail!! It was a beautiful evening and, besides a few little napless Sam breakdowns, lots of fun! Poor Madison ended up reacting to the vaccine and had a high fever and nausea all day the next day. We're praying that doesn't happen again when we get round two this next week! * oh my, I could eat him with a spoon!

Saturday, March 15, 2014



We've had a fun week.  Madison got to go to San Antonio with our church Jr. High to serve at Urban Connection from Saturday - Wednesday.  She had such a fun time and it makes my heart happy that serving is her joy!!
Here are a few of the fun things I remembered to pick up my camera for.  We also went to the Lego movie and splurged for a couple meals out and landed at the park twice!  I've learned it's most important to get this crew out of the house as much as possible!

* Coldstone...YUM!

* I made Doro Wat this week (a spicy and delicious traditional Ethiopian dish). SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!

*  We went to the local Jr. High track so mommy and Daddy could get a couple runs in while the kids played on the bleachers and in the field.  I must say, it's great to run with a cheer squad!!

* We visted Krispy Kreme to get our free donuts with A's on the report card...but they don't do that anymore!  We were bummed, but how can you walk into Krispy Kreme and walk out with no donuts...we treated the kids proud of their hard work!!!

* peek-a-boo

* we had THE BEST TIME hanging out with our friends the Boyds and Burks.  I am truly amazed at the blessing of life-long friends God has blessed our family with!!  We have several tried and true friends who spur us on, inspire and encourage us!!  

Friday, March 7, 2014


We had an unexpected snow day on Monday.  Well, there really wasn't any snow or even ice (besides a few patches here and there) but the windchill was 1 degree that morning so I'm pretty sure it was a "it's too cold for kids to stand at a bus stop or walk to school" day.  We'll take it!!

Madison made the day great by starting us off with Africa, Mickey Mouse and bulldog shaped pancakes. The kids ate by the fire and enjoyed their flavored milk straws in milk bottles.  Fun!!!


This week we participated in the End It: Shine a Light on Slavery movement.  We all put a red X on our hands to get people talking and spread awareness about modern day slavery.

Did you know that there are 27,000,000 modern day slaves in 161 countries including the US.  50% of these slaves are children.

We need to pray, be a voice and find organizations that are helping and get involved.  Learn more here